Inchture Primary School

Inchture Primary School
Life at Inchture Primary School Life at Inchture Primary School

Whole School BBQ

Our whole school BBQ will take place after Sports Day on Friday 26 May. It looks as though the sun will be shining!

Please note, ALL orders (pupil and adult) had to be submitted by Friday 19 May. Any orders received after that deadline, unfortunately, cannot be processed. This is to allow Tayside Contracts time to order sufficient produce in time for Friday.

You will also appreciate that organising for approximately 150 additional adult lunches is a huge administrative task. We want to ensure that Friday's BBQ goes as smoothly as possible, and would therefore ask that all lunches are packed lunch if an order was not placed by Friday. Whilst we understand that some people may have forgotten to place their order, please do not email the school asking for a late order to be submitted.

We will be double checking ParentPay today in the event that order forms have not been submitted as requested. Coloured tickets will then be sent home for the BBQ lunch. These should be brought on the day and handed over to Tayside Contracts when collecting meals.